Goods in Transit Insurance
Goods in Transit Insurance cover the insured goods from perils during transport. “ANSIG” jsc Insurance Company covers loss, damage and/or expenses as a result of: the own transport vehicle (collision, food, sinking, etc.); fire, explosion; unload of goods to another port in case of disaster; sacrifice of the overall breakdown; expenses for rescuing cargo; damages caused by the earthquake, lightning; volcano; damages caused by water, sea or river; and all losses and/or unforeseen damages, random and unexpected events.
Goods insured during:
- terrestrial transport
- floating transport
- aircraft transport
Vessel Insurance
Vessel insurance (Hull and Machinery) cover perils during navigation. This insurance covers loss, damage and/or expenses such as: damages caused to third parties during navigation; fire, explosion; considerable sea, lake, river risk (storm, iceberg, etc.); earthquake, lightning; volcano; pirate; accidents during operations, stationing, etc.
Aircraft Insurance
Aircraft Insurance covers the risk that occurs during the flight to the insured vehicle.